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Lotan is a seven-headed sea monster who Leviathan claimed is his second-best friend (after his goldfish Henry) in the chat Spirit Week. Leviathan often uses his ability to summon Lotan as a threat when he's angry, but doing so is known to flood the surrounding area wherever Lotan is summoned.


Note: this section may include spoilers.

Main Story and Events[edit]

Lotan and Leviathan have known each other for a long time. In Lesson 44-12 (OM), Belphegor commented that Leviathan — who at that point was still an angel — was able to command Lotan in the fight against the demons.

It was explained in the chats Announcing Spirit Week and Spirit Week that up until the year before MC's arrival in the Devildom, RAD held an annual Monster Fair event. However, during that past year's event, Lucifer told Leviathan he couldn't keep Lotan in the house. So, he released Lotan into the ocean by Siren Beach, which caused "great havoc and devastation among the human population." This is why RAD suspended that event afterwards.

In Lesson 28-5 (OM), Leviathan asked MC to keep Beelzebub from eating anything so that his costume for the upcoming RAD play wouldn't become too small for Beelzebub to wear. However, Beelzebub managed to devour a cake that Luke had made, and in a rage, Leviathan summoned Lotan using the following words:

"O fiend of water, creature of jealousy... In the name of Leviathan, I command you... Come forth, Lotan...!"

Unfortunately, summoning Lotan caused the entire House of Lamentation to flood, ruining all of the costumes that Leviathan had made.


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